Urology Camp April 2019 – Mujahid Hospital, Faisalabad, Pakistan:
Urology Camp April 2019 – Muzaffarabad, Pakistan:
General Surgical Camp January,2019 – Faisalabad, Pakistan:
Laparoscopic Nephrectomy Workshop 2018,at Allied Hospital, Faisalabad, Pakistan:
Urology Camp September 2018, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Bladder stone
Urology Camp, September 2018, Muzaffarabad, Kashmir.
Vesico-vaginal Fistula Repair August,2017- Tanzania:
Urology Camp 2017 – Faisalabad, Pakistan:
General Surgical Camp 2016, Faisalabad, Pakistan:

General Surgical Camp 2016 – Kashmir, Pakistan:
Urology Camp 2015 – Faisalabad, Pakistan:
Several of our members have been involved in international aid projects. Most recently, in partnership with the Islamic Medical Association of Queensland, one member spent some time in Pakistan performing procedures as part of the 5th International Urology Camp. For the overwhelming majority of patients treated, an inability to afford healthcare was identified as a primary barrier to seeking treatment, significantly compromising their quality of life. In line with our vision and through our collaborative projects, AIMA strives to make distinct differences in alleviating disease and its socioeconomic impacts by making healthcare accessible to those who need it, in Australia and overseas.